Brazil is the biggest live exporter of cattle in the world. Yet unlike the EU and Australian live export industries, Brazil's live export industry still remains very much obscure. The victims of this cruel trade remain anonymous and forgotten. Just like the Australian live export industry, Brazilian live exporters tell terrible lies to cover up the evil and brutal truth. AgroExport is just one of the two main players in this immoral trade. The following link shows you the lies they tell.
After reading this you will be forgiven for thinking that these cattle are actually going on some pampered and luxury cruise. The exporters even arrange 'passports' for the cattle. How very nice of them! But the truth is a lot more disturbing. Lebanon imports tens of thousands of Brazilian cattle every year. The following link will reveal the true conditions the cattle endure on these 'luxury' ships.
The cattle take days to reach the ship from remote parts of Brazil. They are then loaded onto the ship itself with savage cruelty. Listen well to what the First Officer says in broken English. Any cattle that are about to expire on board have their throat slit and are turned into mince meat. Note also how the ship sways when it leaves port. The cattle on board panic. The brutes who are in charge of them are oblivious to their distress and filthy conditions. For weeks on end these brutes listen to their cries without mercy.
This second link shows you what happens to the cattle when they arrive in Lebanon. Note in this video how many men it takes to subdue just one steer in the slaughterhouse. This is because most Brazilian cattle are semi-wild and are not use to human handling. This makes it doubly distressing for these beautiful creatures. The following link will show you the general conditions of slaughterhouses in Lebanon. Note in this video that the sheep and cattle don't put up much of a struggle. This is because the sheep and cattle are absolutely exhausted and hungry from their long journey from the remort parts of Europe.
This petition will be forwarded to Animals Lebanon in the hope they will pass it on to the Agriculture Minister with a few strong words of their own. Animals Lebanon is doing an amazing job in highlighting the tragedy that has befallen foreign livestock that arrives in Lebanon. I want the Agriculture Minister to know that the world has now seen the images of Brazilian and EU livestock being tortured in Lebanese slaughterhouses. How on earth does he justify all this?
We will not stand back and allow these atrocities to continue. The Lebanese Agriculture Minister must close down these awful slaughterhouses, or modernise them to European Standards. Lebanon must start importing frozen meat products instead of subjecting livestock to cruel and long overseas journeys. Images of livestock being tortured in your slaughterhouses will haunt me unitl the day I die. It proves once again that cruelty has a human heart.
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