Save the Snow Leopard from Extinction

  • por: Animal Advocates
  • destinatário: Ministry of Finance International Department -Director General Mr. Xiaosong Zheng, Deputy Director Ms. Jiandi Ye

The endangered Snow leopard is a semi-large cat living in the snowy mountains of Central Asia. Experts have estimated that there are between 4,000 and 6,000 snow leopards left in the wild, making them one of Asia’s most endangered mammals. This estimate was calculated several years ago, however, and it is believed that the number today is significantly lower.

The threats are many; they are hunted and traded illegally for pelts and taxidermy trophies. They have less food because increased grazing has eliminated the cat's natural prey and are shot by ranchers who see them as a threat to livestock. Additionally, they are used in Traditional Chinese Medicine.

Bones from the endangered snow leopard used in Traditional Chinese Medicine increased when bones from the endangered tiger grew harder to obtain, becoming popular  a substitute which placed an even harder strain on the already diminished Snow leopard population. The Environmental Investigation Agency estimates that for every tiger poached, approximately six snow leopards are taken.

We ask the Chinese government to help save the endangered snow leopard by supporting alternative medicines that do not include the use of endangered animals.


Mr. Xiaosong Zheng
Director General
Ministry of Finance - International Department
Sanlihe Xicheng District
Beijing - 100820
Tel: + 8610 6855 1122
Fax: + 8610 6855 1125

Ms. Jiandi Ye
Deputy Director
Ministry of Finance
IFI Division III International Department San Li He St. Xichengqu
Beijing - 100820
Tel: + 86 10 6855-1171
Fax: + 86 10 6855 1125

The endangered Snow leopard is a semi-large cat living in the snowy mountains of Central Asia. Experts have estimated that there are between 4,000 and 6,000 snow leopards left in the wild, making them one of Asia’s most endangered mammals. This estimate was calculated several years ago, however, and it is believed that the number today is significantly lower.

The threats are many; they are hunted and traded illegally for pelts and taxidermy trophies. They have less food because increased grazing has eliminated the cat's natural prey and are shot by ranchers who see them as a threat to livestock. Additionally, they are used in Traditional Chinese Medicine.

Bones from the endangered snow leopard used in Traditional Chinese Medicine increased when bones from the endangered tiger grew harder to obtain, becoming popular  a substitute which placed an even harder strain on the already diminished Snow leopard population. The Environmental Investigation Agency estimates that for every tiger poached, approximately six snow leopards are taken.

We ask the Chinese government to help save the endangered snow leopard by supporting alternative medicines that do not include the use of endangered animals.

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