After thousands of signatures and national media attention, the FUSD Board majority (Ann Crosbie, Desrie Campbell, & Lara York) voted to 'hold' the alarming textbook for 2015 school year.  It will be brought back to FUSD Board for future vote. This Nov 4th election is critical!  Here is a YouTube link to the Sept 12th League of Women Voters Forum giving candidate’s positions on this textbook starting at 18 minutes:

We have interviewed key candidates: Moina Shaiq will NOT commit to removing this textbook. Also, candidate Dax Chokski will NOT support removal of this textbook. Vote for Yang Shao, Ph.D. and Larry Sweeney.  Spread the word!  For more news, join our Yahoo Group:         Or email:  to be placed on our email alert list.



WHEREAS, the Fremont community's cultural values were ignored when Fremont Unified School District Board Members Ann Crosbie, Lara York, and Desrie Campbell voted to approve 9th grade Health text, "Your Health Today" that exposes youth to sexual games, sexual fantasies, sexual bondage with handcuffs, ropes, and blindfolds, sexual toys and vibrator devices, and additional instruction that is extremely inappropriate for 13 and 14 year-old youth. 

WHEREAS, Fremont Unified School District already has a Health textbook and supplementary curriculum for 9th grade Health class that is fully compliant, meeting all legal mandates of the California Education Code.

WHEREAS, the California Department of Education Standards for sexual health education are not mandatory or required.

WHEREAS, the author of the "Your Health Today" textbook confirms that their textbook was written for adult college students.

WHEREAS, the State of California Education Code § 51933 (b)(1) requires that all comprehensive health education materials must be age appropriate.

WHEREAS, the State of California Education Code § 51931 (a) defines: "Age appropriate" refers to topics, messages, and teaching methods suitable to particular ages or age groups of children and adolescents, based on developing cognitive, emotional, and behavioral capacity typical for the age or age group.

WHEREAS, the entire Comprehensive Health Education law and chapter requires community participation.  

WHEREAS, the State of California Education Code § 51891 defines "community participation" by listing parents first.

WHEREAS, the Fremont Unified School District failed to obtain community participation by following established process with the Health and Sex Education Advisory Committee to advise on curriculum and materials for Health sex education.

WHEREAS, the Fremont Unified School District failed to obtain community participation that reflected the cultural values and diversity of the Fremont community on the Health Textbook Selection Committee.

WHEREAS, some Fremont community members are seeking legal remedy to compel Fremont Unified School District to follow the law and choose age-appropriate materials that California Education Code requires.

THEREFORE, WE, the undersigned Fremont parents and community members, are deeply concerned, and we insist that the Fremont Unified School District permanently removes the college-level textbook, "Your Health Today" from Fremont schools.  WE call on the Board for reinstatement of Health and Sex Education Advisory Committee in the Health Curriculum advisory process.  WE also call for the formation of a Health Textbook Selection Committee with members that represent the rich cultural values of our community and follow the Education Code in selecting age-appropriate Health materials.

Atualização #310 anos atrás
Urgent! Come to Board Mtg this Wed, Aug 13th 6:30 PM at 4210 Technology Dr, Fremont. Be early. Tell FUSD to REMOVE this book. We need your help! Join our Yahoo group:
Atualização #210 anos atrás
Opt Out of 9th grade Health for full semester. Opt out form online: (check first box on form.) Schools can't force 9th grade Health to graduate or offer you to opt out of 'Sex Ed' portion. If they violate Ed Code 51240, defend your rights: Principal, FUSD Board, & FUSD Superintendent: Jim Morris. Report problems to:
Atualização #110 anos atrás
We need signatures! Please forward our petition on PTA Groups.

• 9th grade Health class is NOT required to graduate from high school: California Education Code 51240. Inform your high school this textbook conflicts with your moral convictions.

• Rent the book: "Your Health Today" by Teague, Mackenzie and Rosenthal 4th edition. ISBN # 13:978-0078028472

- Email: if you have any questions.
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