Tell Giorgio Armani to Stop Using Rabbit Fur

Just last year, Giorgio Armani pledged to discontinue the use of animal fur altogether, and yet his most recent clothing line demonstrates just the opposite. It exhibits rabbit fur as one of your most popular materials. It's even being marketed for children and babies.

2012 SOURCE:

Rabbit fur operations were recently uncovered in both France and China, where large-scale rabbit slaughter facilities were exposed.

Rabbits are thrown into tiny wire cages that hurt their delicate feet, and they're treated much like vermin. When it comes time to kill them, rabbits at these locations were shown to be hung upside down shortly before their skin was cruelly ripped from their bodies.

Tell Giorgio Armani to stop supporting this cruelty and naming it "fashion". His successful company can do quite well without torturing small animals.

Giorgio Armani
Via Borgonuovo 21
Milan 20121

Just last year, Giorgio Armani pledged to discontinue the use of animal fur altogether, and yet his most recent clothing line demonstrates just the opposite. It exhibits rabbit fur as one of your most popular materials. It's even being marketed for children and babies.

2012 SOURCE:

Rabbit fur operations were recently uncovered in both France and China, where large-scale rabbit slaughter facilities were exposed.

Rabbits are thrown into tiny wire cages that hurt their delicate feet, and they're treated much like vermin. When it comes time to kill them, rabbits at these locations were shown to be hung upside down shortly before their skin was cruelly ripped from their bodies.

Tell Giorgio Armani to stop supporting this cruelty and naming it "fashion". His successful company can do quite well without torturing small animals.

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