Woman Fired from Walmart for Reporting Dog in Hot Car

A Wal-Mart employee in Ontario was fired after she confronted a customer about leaving his dog in a hot car. The employee, Carla Cheney, spotted the situation even before she started her shift.

The man had left his dog in his car with the windows rolled up almost all the way. Cheney told him that he should leave his dogs like that and he said it was none of her business. She then told him that next time she would just call the police.

Soon thereafter, she was called into her manager's office, who told her that she must talk to him before addressing those situations in the future. She refused, saying that if she sees something unsafe, she just had to do something about it. She was then terminated from her position.

Please sign the petition today telling Wal-Mart not to punish employees for looking out for the safety of animals!

Read the story here.

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