I look to you Prime Minister to champion this cause. I am ashamed at the way our animal welfare organisations and especially our governments have allowed this practice to get as far as it has. Forget all about the politics, the religious claims, the spiv meat suppliers, we as a Christian and allegedly animal loving nation, should be putting the welfare of these creatures first. The lies, false facts, and twisted truths the media, the apologist and the government (I include all parties) proclaim it is not stressful and painful, is complete and utter fantasy. No way can this be called humane, for a cow after the throat is cut, it can take up to 5 minutes to succumb, while gasping for air, watching blood spraying around, trying to remain standing on a blood soaked floor, terror in its eyes. This is unacceptable and unnecessary, you wouldn't treat a cat or dog like this. As a challenge I urge you to research, or at least view on YouTube and then see the bestial proof for yourself. If your conscience is clear I believe you will pursue this. We as a nation have high standards in all sections of the supply chain and justly so. Please don't lead us down the slippery path of barbarism. I insist this cannot go on another day, if you can ban fox hunting, you can ban this surely.