Bullet was a beloved 8 year old Rottweiler shot to death, on 5/30/14, in his own home by armed and dangerous intruders. Bullet was shot at 7 times, striking him 5 times with 40 calliber handguns. The deadly intruders were later identified as Officer Brent Rechtfertig, Officer Andrew Rivera, and Sergeant Jimmy Keyes of the Round Rock Police Dept. We are demanding that the officers involved to be removed from duty for wrongfully entering our home, dangerously discharging their weapons multiple times in our home, resulting in the death of our family member, and for removing his body without our permission.
Friends, our pet are NOT safe anymore in their own yards and now, like Bullet, they aren't even safe in their own homes from the very people who are supposed to PROTECT & SERVE our families: THE POLICE.
Round Rock, TX, police responded to the Lane's home after a burglar alarm sounded and the owner, convinced it was a false alarm, disarmed the alarm remotely from his phone. Despite this, 3 officers, without ever contacting the homeowner, entered the Lanes' home and likely encountered Bullet in his room laying on his futon, groggy from his slumber. Instead of retreating or even using less lethal options, these armed and dangerous individuals unleashed a fury of 40 calliber bullets against a gentle senior dog who was treasured member of the Lane family.
Bullet's pet parents are so distraught and tortured by the thought of how their beloved Gentle Giant must've been trying to escape in terror from the painful assault of bullet after bullet striking him in what he had always know to be a safe and loving environment.
As expected, the Round Rock Police Dept is circling the wagons and blaming the victim: a gentle senior dog. Just the title alone "Dog shooting incident investigation finds officers acted responsibly, followed protocol" is a slap in the face to the Lane family, still trying to cope with the profound loss of their dog. http://www.roundrocktexas.gov/home/index.asp?page=10&recordid=3564
Police killing pets is an epidemic in this country. The producers of Puppycide, a documentary currently being made, estimate that a dog is killed every 98 minutes by law enforcement. WE MUST DEMAND CHANGE & ACCOUNTABILITY! Please sign this petition and share it on every social media site you use.
Here is a link to a news story about Bullet's murder: http://www.myfoxaustin.com/story/25664945/home-surveillance-video-captures-round-rock-officers-before-dog-shooting
Thank you in advance for signing our petition.
Gina Greisen
Nevada Voters For Animals
p.s. If you would like to send a personal message to the Police Chief, Officers involved, Mayor & Council, here is the contact info:
Police Chief Allen Banks: abanks@roundrocktexas.gov , 512-218-5521
Officer Brent Rechtfertig: brechtfertig@roundrocktexas.gov , 512-218-5500
Officer Andrew Rivera: arivera@roundrocktexas.gov , 512-218-5500
Sergeant Jimmy Keyes: jkeyes@roundrocktexas.gov , 512-671-2822
CONTACT COUNCIL MEMBERS by phone at: 512-218-5410
Mayor Alan McGraw: mayormcgraw@roundrocktexas.gov
Craig Morgan, Place 1: craigmorgan@roundrocktexas.gov
George White, Place 2: georgewhite@roundrocktexas.gov
Joe Clifford, Place 3: joeclifford@roundrocktexas.gov
Will Peckham, Place 4: willpeckham@roundrocktexas.gov
John Moman, Place 5: johnmoman@roundrocktexas.gov
Kris Whitfield, Place 6: kriswhitfield@roundrocktexas.go