Stop Killing Spree in The Lost Dogs Home Warra, Brisbane.

  • por: SARAH GREEN
  • destinatário: The Head of The Lost Dogs Home Brisbane

In Janurary to June 2013 174 dogs were killed and only 15 adopted.
In Janurary to June 2013 63 cats were killed and 0 adopted.
This is in Warra, Brisbane. This does not include cats.
These included pups and kittens that could easily be adopted.
The Lost dogs home claim that they only put down sick but they

      • kill The Elderly,

      • the Sick that can be eaisly recovered

      • The middle aged dogs

      • the ugly dogs which are still beautiful, 

      • the breeds known to be vicious.


For more information go here

It looks exceptionally so from the numbers that the lucky few that were adopted was by pure chance.

The other 174 poor little souls were killed. No regard or consideration for individual natures or personalities, health or temperament. No love no care no feeling.
I ponder the whys and the what if’s… Senseless disregard
Everyone of them mattered… No one cared, not enough.

The Above Said by Lee Rennick. 

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