Tell the Australian Government to Help Stop Food Waste!

The 2010 National Waste Report shows that Australians throw away four million tonnes of food per year -- more than 20 percent of what they buy. Unfortunately, food waste starts at the farm level, before it even has a chance to reach homes. For example, a Queensland Government report estimated that 15 to 50 percent of bananas sent to packing sheds was rejected because it didn't meet supermarket specifications. This results in millions of edible bananas being thrown away each year.

It is inexcusable to waste so much food when one in seven people in the world are going hungry and 20,000 children under five die of starvation each year. The British government has taken action to audit food waste in homes, supermarkets and supply chains, production facilities, farms and seas. Australia needs to do the same to cut down on its extensive waste of food and money. Please sign the petition to tell the Australian government to help stop food waste!

The 2010 National Waste Report shows that Australians throw away four million tonnes of food per year -- more than 20 percent of what they buy. Unfortunately, food waste starts at the farm level, before it even has a chance to reach homes. For example, a Queensland Government report estimated that 15 to 50 percent of bananas sent to packing sheds was rejected because it didn't meet supermarket specifications. This results in millions of edible bananas being thrown away each year.

It is inexcusable to waste so much food when one in seven people in the world are going hungry and 20,000 children under five die of starvation each year. The British government has taken action to audit food waste in homes, supermarkets and supply chains, production facilities, farms and seas. We respectfully urge Australia to do the same to cut down on the extensive waste of food and money. Thank you for taking the time to read and consider our petition.

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