The Canada lynx doesn't just live in Canada!! It's endangered in its US range of Maine, Minnesota, Montana, Colorado, Idaho and Washington. In 2016 the USFWS admitted that the lynx is "very unlikely" to survive beyond 2100 in the U.S. A federal court ruled the USFWS and the Forest Service must do more to protect the lynx and its habitat, which is threatened by logging and increasing off-road vehicle use.
Now, the Trump administration has completely reversed course and wants to remove federal protections for this vulnerable wild animal.
This is a total and shocking reversal of ESA policy because these rare and elusive midsize cats are DECLINING in numbers in four of their five U.S. habitat areas. Ignoring the science that shows they will not be able to survive without protection due to climate change and loss of habitat is incredibly irresponsible and unacceptable.
Sign my petition and demand the USFWS and the Interior Department follow the judges ruling and implement a sustainable recovery plan!
Atualização #46 anos atrás
I am looking for signatures and shares for this petition because it will be closed Jan.12th by care2 and must be sent in before then. Help save the Canada Lynx living in the lower 48 states -There are less than 1700 alive in the wild in total and the Lynx faces threats from incidental trapping and climate change but most of all this reclusive elusive beautiful cat faces massive loss of habitat-They can not survive being hunted and trapped !
Atualização #36 anos atrás
update # 4
All of our wildlife anywhere in this country are under threat of being attacked or are under attack right now from the most anti-wildlife, anti- habitat congress and President and his administration in history . We find ourselves in very hard times to protect all of our wildlife . Before our current president was sworn into office we fought for beings like the wolf , bison and wild horse-now it is all of the wildlife from the smallest bird to the largest predator - Fight is on !!!!
Atualização #26 anos atrás
Extremely Important to stop the delisting of the Canada Lynx in the lower 48 United States !!!
With the more than 70 wolf delisting riders currently in congress if wolves are delisted and the issuing of the final rule by the USFWS and Interior Departments Sec. Ryan Zinke and the Canadian Lynx is delisted it will mean that not one predator of any size will be protected in the United States under the Endangered Species Act--Think about it -Not One Single Predator !
We can not let this happen !
Atualização #17 anos atrás