This State Finally Banned Cruel Cat Declawing. Other States Must Follow Suit!

  • por: Care2 Team
  • destinatário: All U.S. States except Maryland, Massachusetts, and New York

In an amazing move for animal welfare, Massachusetts has recently joined a small group of states to finally ban the cruel practice of cat declawing. This practice, medically known as onychectomy, is not a simple nail trim – it is equivalent to amputating a human's fingertips at the first knuckle, often leading to chronic pain, nerve damage, and lifelong behavioral changes in cats. We must build on this momentum. It's time for all remaining states to follow suit and protect our pets from this painful and life-altering surgery. 

Sign the petition to urge the remaining U.S. states to ban cat declawing!

While the procedure was once common, it is increasingly viewed by veterinary professionals and the public alike as inhumane and unnecessary. 

New research shows nearly 70% of veterinary professionals oppose declawing, with many ceasing to offer the procedure altogether due to ethical concerns. Cities across the nation, including Los Angeles, San Francisco, and Denver, have also passed local bans, reflecting a significant shift in societal values towards the humane treatment of our feline friends.

Legislation is crucial not only to prevent animal suffering but to align our laws with modern understandings of animal welfare and ethics.

Sign this petition to urge all remaining U.S. state legislators to introduce and pass legislation banning cat declawing!

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