22 Years Ago, Dow Chemical spilled thousands of gallons of toxic and carcinogenic experimental fuel mixtures in Bhopal, India. This incident is responsible for 25,000 deaths and numerous recorded cases of cancer and respiratory illness. 

  DOW has escaped all criminal penalties of negligence and breached bail bonds in India. Even though DOW took public responsibility in 1992, they have remained sheltered by corporate power in the U.S.

 Recently DOW Chemical was indicted by a federal judge for an anti-trust conspiracy. They were accused of fixing prices, and were ordered to pay $400 million in fines. 

Due to DOW Chemical's reckless criminal record - We demand action from the EPA to enforce all of it's regulations on DOW chemical, and to discontinue to allow the ignorance of the clean air and water acts from this corporate giant. -- Including the completion of criminal processes involved with breaking regulations. 


This petition is targeted towards the EPA and it's administrators to accomplish the simple task of holding all corporations responsible for their greenhouse gas emissions. 

To this day, DOW Chemical has been allowed to ignore the clean air and water act. These are the 2 Most important laws for protecting public safety. Their CEO has jumped bail to avoid prosecution for chemical spills, and has been convicted of conspiracy. 

Let the EPA know that you want this dangerous corporation to adhere to all environmental regulations and laws. 

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