A bill was just passed in Illinois allowing the legal hunting and killing of bobcats, a beautiful native species that has no population overgrowth that hunting would serve a purpose to control, and is a trophy hunting sport. This is the first time in 40 years that this hunting would be legal because bobcats were on the Threatened Species list from 1977 to 1999. Hunting of them serves no survival purpose and should be banned by the state of Illinois. (Read more here: http://www.wsiltv.com/news/local/Illinois-Legislature-Approves-Bobcat-Hunting-284784291.html)
Dear Governor Quinn,
We are asking for a stop to the legalized hunting and killing of bobcats in the state of Illinois. It has come to the publics attention that a horrible and unethical bill was just passed in Illinois allowing the legal hunting and killing of bobcats, a beautiful native species that has no population overgrowth that hunting would serve a purpose to control.
The hunding of bobcats can therefore only at best be described as a trophy hunting sport. This is the first time in 40 years that huting bobcats is legal. Because bobcats were on the Threatened Species list from 1977 to 1999, hunting them serves no survival purpose and should be banned by the state of Illinois, in order to help further the survival of this gorgeous species that is a integral part of our ecosystem.
Most Sincerely,
The Undersigned