Demand that my dog and I be left alone to live in peace!!!!! Demand that East Peoria get a QUALIFIED person to decide their residents' dogs temperament!

A few years ago, a strange man came into my yard...supposedly to change out my water meter. But my water meter did not need to be changed, by this strangers own admission! This stranger and I stood in my yard for a good while, shooting the breeze about the weather...small talk...about 25 minutes later...Tazewell County animal control pulled up in my driveway...took BOTH of my dogs...and informed me that my dog had bitten the stranger...he never told me he was bitten, never mentioned a word in the several minutes we chatted in my yard! I had lost all hope...I did not have the money to get my dogs back. One of the dogs belongs to my son. When I told him about our dogs, he went to the shelter, and told them his lawyer wanted to know why they had his dog. The very next day, they brought his dog back...but still had my Rosie! They sent me a letter stating they were going to kill my dog...and I went and borrowed the large amount of money from a relative, and got my best friend back...she was starved by the shelter, her mouth was nothing but a big bloody scab...and she was NOT the same! I jumped through all the governmental hoops...being forced to buy extremely expensive "vicious dog insurance" every year. The mayor has always waived the vicious dog city fee...but still made me purchase this insurance...I last spoke with he mayor several months ago, informed him my dog was loosing her teeth ...he said he was going to get another hearing in front of the clown that said my dog was vicious...never heard another word until today...when the city clerk sent me an email...saying I have to cough up these big dollars for this insurance, again....there have been NO TRANSGRESSIONS COMMITTED BY MY DOG! I am not even sure she bit this guy in the first place! Now after months of living in peace with my sweetheart dog...suddenly, out of the blue, they want to force me into buying a policy again...and I believe this is WRONG...and I cannot afford this insurance! I have my dog...she is in my home...but unless I cough up this money....they will take her and kill her....this man had a minor mark on him...certainly not a Pit Bull bite...this is racism against my dog's breed...plain and simple....when the victim went for medical treatment...they gave him neosporin and a band aid...and antibiotics...he himself said he did NOT want anything to happen to my this is now solely on the city of East Peoria, Illinois....thank you all for your loving support!  It scares the hell out of me to think of all the dogs that our city clerk, Morgan Cadwalader has had a hand in being euthanized because they tried to force people to pay for something they had no way of paying for....

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