Texas A&M University is injecting pregnant sheep with alcohol!‏

  • por: Suzanna Hagglof
  • destinatário: President of Texas A&M, Mark A. Hussey, Ph.D.

PSRM Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine >

"I'm writing to ask for your help with ending cruel, unnecessary experiments conducted at Texas A&M University. In these experiments, pregnant sheep are injected with alcohol to simulate the effects of binge drinking. When their fetuses are near-term,term, the sheep are killed and the lambs are removed and killed so that their brains can be studied. We all know that fetal alcohol syndrome is a serious public health issue and that it should be addressed. But the experiments at Texas A&M, which have been going on for more than 17 years and received more than $4 million in federal funding, are not helping a single mother or child. Instead of wasting money and harming animals, Texas A&M and the researcher's funder, the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, should redirect research to programs that could help reduce the rate of fetal alcohol spectrum disorders.Please ask the president of Texas A&M to immediately halt these experiments"


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