Merseyside Fire and Rescue Service want to close Upton and West Kirby Fire Stations and build a new fire station on Greenbelt land in Saughall Massie, Wirral close to the sheltered accommodation in Woodpecker Close.
Local residents, The Saughall Massie Village Area Conservation Society, The Wirral Society and local Councillors are opposed to this proposal
There are no special circumstances that justify the damage to the greenbelt, as there is an alternative site some 600/700 metres away, as well as money being made available by the Government to redevelop the existing Fire Station in Upton. Wirral's Planning Officers, in their pre-application response to the Architects/Agents acting for Merseyside Fire and Rescue Service, stated: “I am concerned, that in the light of your fall-back scenario of being able to redevelop the fire station at Upton within the urban area and with no impact on the Green Belt, very special circumstances will not exist. In which case, planning permission is not likely to be granted. If you do decide to prepare a case for very special circumstances, this would still need to clearly outweigh the harm caused to the Green Belt by reason of inappropriateness and any other harm. The harm would include the impact on the character of the area, the visual intrusion into the Green Belt and the loss of openness.
We would also like to express our concerns regarding flooding, pointing to the recent floods in the area caused by the Arrowebrook bursting its banks and believe that this area of greenbelt acts as a natural soak away that would be lost if a structure was built on this site we also note concerns expressed by Dr Hilary Ash from Wirral Wildlife regarding potential harm to flora, fauna and wildlife species. We believe that a development such as this in a wholly residential area is not in keeping with the existing street scene and would seriously damage the amenity that local residents could reasonably expect to enjoy, particularly because of noise and light nuisance.