N. C., Do Not Pass Bill HB554 That Threatens Life of Current Big Cats & Other Wildlife

  • por: Sue Lee
  • destinatário: N.C. House of Representatives

Please sign and share this petition everywhere possible in an effort to stop the passing of this Bill HB554 that will endanger the current life and habitation of the big cats and wildlife in North Carolina. All the animals in question are already living comfortably in their present facilities but the passing of this bill will cause them to be moved already overcrowded zoos and sanctuaries. If this bill passes, it will actually undermine the original facts to protect public safety and animal welfare.

Legislators in North Carolina want to pass a bill HB554 that will threaten the peaceful world and existence of its residents. Several animals have been rescued, including 14 abused lions and tigers. Four of the females were pregnant at the time, giving birth to 15 cubs. Since then, many of the animals are now enjoying their golden years and doing well at the Conservators Center. However, if this bill passes the lives of these animals will be disrupted, causes undue stress for all of them.

The Center cares for more than 80 animals including many different exotic animals, living happy, healthy lives that is best for their health and well-being. If this bill HB554 is passed, most of the animals could be confiscated by the end of this year. Those for whom new homes are not found could be sentenced to death. This includes all of the exotic cats, both large and small, along with the wolves, and ring-tailed lemurs.

We need to ensure that this new bill is not passed, asking for your help by signing and sharing this petition on all your media sites. Encourage the state to protect these animals and allow them to happily and comfortably remain within the homes they have known for so many years.

N.C. House of Representatives – We ask that you reconsider passing Bill HB554 that would disrupt the lives of the many big cats and wildlife within the state. This bill would only create chaos and undue stress to all the animals involved. Many of these animals, that have been rescued many years ago now live their golden years in comfort and contentment. Passing this bill will be harmful to their lives and existence. Do not pass this Bill HB554 that will cause more harm than good to the animals and their peaceful existence.

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