Some Said the Billionaires Would Save Us. Well, Where Are They?

"The billionaires will save us!"

How many people in the U.S. have ever heard that line? Short answer: almost all of us. There's a myth in our country that, the richer a person is, the more likely they are to be able to fix all our problems with their genius powers and amazing wealth. Or at least, that's what right-wing politicians want us to believe. In fact, it's the excuse they've used for slashing social safety net programs and other public assistance, and refusing to properly tax the rich.

Sign the petition to demand that billionaires use their vast resources to help us in our time of desperate need!

Now, the billionaires have their chance. In the U.S., our federal government has failed us. Headed by Donald Trump, who's provided very little and conflicting leadership as we head into crisis, we can no longer rely on our public officials to save us. Hospitals are running out of ventilators; doctors and nurses are running out of masks; more and more people are getting sick each day; and our nation's health care system is on the brink of chaos and overwhelm. Never has there been a better time for superhero-like individuals -- people with power, resources, and the ability to get things done -- to come to our rescue.

So where are these saviors?

In the UK, the mega-rich founder of the Dyson vacuum cleaner corporation, seemed like he would rally and open up his generous heart. Within 10 days, he and his team designed a brand new type of ventilator and pledged to manufacture 15,000 of them to assist flailing hospitals. But the catch? This billionaire is only willing to give the government 5,000 of those for free. The other 10,000 -- oh, he's making boatloads of cash off of those.

In Philadelphia, a major hospital has been standing empty since last year. Since medical facilities are out of capacity and beds are filling up fast, this would be the perfect time to reopen it, right? Wrong. The building's owner, Joel Freedman, is demanding $1 million per month in rent from the city, which simply cannot afford that. Its nearly 500 beds will continue to sit vacant, simply because the hospital's wealthy landlord is too greedy to care about people dying in the midst of a pandemic that has already killed more than 35,000 people worldwide as of March 30, 2020.

If our wealthy one-man saviors can't be bothered to rise to the occasion and help us in the midst of a global virus outbreak, then what are they doing with all that hoarded wealth? It's time for us to make them use their greed and fortune for something useful.

Help us tell these resource-rich plutocrats to step up to the plate and put their bottomless pits of cash to good use. All billionaires should immediately donate money and equipment to pandemic relief efforts. Sign the petition now!
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