Keep Our Counties Trees- End HEMC Policy of Ground to Sky

HEMC has recently implemented a new policy under the new President of Ground to Sky which will take down any trees that fall within the 15 foot easement of your property and the power lines. Ground to Sky policy will leave gashes in tree lines. When a tree is removed, soil water is no longer absorb into the root system therefore causing water absorption problems. In some cases, it can take as long as 25 plus years for the Ground to recover.
Easements allow for utility companies to go onto your property but not to destroy it.
HEMC should have gone to or made their customers aware of this new policy themselves and not put the blunt of this on the local tree services. They fired the first company for not implementing their program. The second tree company is now facing the same challenges. The tree company subcontractors are not responsible for these decisions. HEMC needs to address their customers and face the backlash.
Our desire with this petition is for HEMC to cease Ground to Sky Policy and use the best management practice needed for each individual tree based on species, growth rate, reaction to pruning, overall tree health, and length of time until next pruning. Can this be costly? Yes. HEMC also did not do adequate pruning during the last five years and hence several power outages have increased. That is not the fault of the property owner. This policy will affect all HEMC members. They have just started removal in one area but it will cover all members at some point.
Please educate yourself and make your voice heard and do what is best for our community and our trees.

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