Save Chicago Pets!

  • por: Lynn Hamilton
  • destinatário: Cook County Commission, Chicago

Dogs and cats pull their weight in every family. They provide companionship to the lonely and unconditional affection to the depressed. They deserve the protection of the law, just as children do. So why is it that someone convicted of animal cruelty can turn around and obtain another pet?

Cook County commissioner John Fritchey aims to change all that. He has proposed an animal abuse registry that would require convicted animal abusers to wait fifteen years or more before owning another pet. Please join me in asking Cook County Commission (Chicago) to vote for the animal abuse registry. proposed by John Fritchey. Cook County's decision could set a powerful precedent for the rest of the nation.

Dear Cook County Commissioners:

I am deeply concerned about the welfare of domestic animals in Cook County. Dogs and cats pull their weight in every family. They provide companionship to the lonely and unconditional affection to the depressed. The law proposed by John Fritchey, that those convicted of animal cruelty should have to wait fifteen years before owning another pet only makes sense. Please vote this bill into law.

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