Demand an End to the Elephant Rides at the North Judson, Indiana Mint Festival!

  • por: Peter Scott
  • destinatário: North Judson, Indiana Town Board/Council, North Judson Mint Festival committee

The elephant rides at the North Judson, Indiana Mint Festival are inhumane. It's wrong to make money off of an animal that has no choice in the matter, and is not shown compassion towards it's suffering. It may be fun for the people, but not for the elephant.

To put traumatized, stressed elephants in dangerously close proximity to the public is simply asking for trouble. Since 1990, at least 14 human deaths and 122 injuries in the U.S. have been attributed to elephants. Many of these incidents involved elephants who are used for rides.

The elephant rides are not only cruel for the elephants, but they put people at risk as well. All cities in Orange County, California ban contact between people and elephants due to the risk that the animals may transmit tuberculosis. Also, many zoos have instead adopted a "protected contact" training method that doesn't allow anyone, including zoo employees, to be in the same enclosure as an elephant.

It's time for the North Judson Mint Festival committee to adopt a similar policy. Please sign the petition telling the North Judson Mint Festival committee to ban elephant rides.

Please reconsider your decision to not have elephant rides at the 2015 North Judson Mint Festival. There are other sources of entertainment you could provide in place of using these animals. Please reconsider your contract and focus on the animal and not the dollar.

Not only do elephant rides put people in danger of being trampled, but there are health concerns as well. All cities in Orange County, California ban elephant rides because the animals may transmit tuberculosis. The public is prohibited from feeding, petting, riding and touching elephants. This is another important consideration in stopping the rides.

For the sake of public safety, and the humane treatment of elephants, please follow the lead of many other zoos and fairs and stop offering elephant rides.

[Your name]

Atualização #110 anos atrás
We have contacted the President of the Mint Festival Committee about our petition and it's intentions and she has not replied to our email. On August 31st we will be delivering the petitions via e-mail to Donna Henry, President of the Mint Festival Committee.
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