No Flea Collars with Toxic Pesticides

  • por: Animal Advocates
  • destinatário: Environmental Protection Acency, Administrator Lisa P. Jackson
Bayer, the manufacturer of agriculture pesticides proven to be killing honey bees, has also discovered and marketed propoxur, a known neurotoxin and carcinogen, in over-the-counter flea & tick collars and flea and tick drops. Thousands of pets have been killed or injured by these pet products.


Flea collars with the pesticide propoxur are also a problem because of the toxicity of the chemical and the ease with which children can be exposed. The collars are designed to gradually release a pesticide residue onto the fur of a dog or cat, which can pose a risk to pet owners, particularly children. Small children hug the family pet often then put their hands in their mouths.

Many safer alternatives for flea and tick control renders the continued use of propoxur in pet products an unnecessary risk. The EPA must reconsider the safety of these products and remove them from the market. Ban toxic pesticides in all pet products.

Administrator Lisa P. Jackson
USEPA Headquarters
Ariel Rios Building
1200 Pennsylvania Avenue, N. W.
Mail Code: 1101A
Washington, DC 20460
Fax 202-501-1450

Bayer, the manufacturer of agriculture pesticides proven to be killing honey bees, has also discovered and marketed propoxur, a known neurotoxin and carcinogen, in over-the-counter flea & tick collars and flea and tick drops. Thousands of pets have been killed or injured by these pet products.


Flea collars with the pesticide propoxur are also a problem because of the toxicity of the chemical and the ease with which children can be exposed. The collars are designed to gradually release a pesticide residue onto the fur of a dog or cat, which can pose a risk to pet owners, particularly children. Small children hug the family pet often then put their hands in their mouths.

Many safer alternatives for flea and tick control renders the continued use of propoxur in pet products an unnecessary risk. The EPA must reconsider the safety of these products and remove them from the market. Ban toxic pesticides in all pet products.

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