Unchain the Dogs of Cabarrus County, North Carolina
Being dog owners/lovers, we believe that all animals should be kept free of tethers and chains. We began looking at the risks that tethered dogs face and found that tethered dogs are at a higher risk to bite and become aggressive, because tethered dogs spend most of their lives in isolation, leaving them emotionally and physically scarred. Most tethered dogs suffer from weight and health issues due to lack of food and water sources and lack of exercise. Also tethered females are at a much higher risk for unwanted pregnancies because they have no way of running from unwanted suitors.
Leaving a dog tethered, with very little human interaction is a form of animal abuse/neglect. We believe that changing the laws and banning tethering will reduce aggressive behaviors in dogs, reduce unwanted pregnancies in dogs, and will bring more responsibility to dog owners.
We have researched and found that several counties in North Carolina have banned tethering and we hope that Cabarrus County will soon follow suit!
Here is a list of counties that have tethering/chaining laws:
Ronoke Rapids, North Carolina
New Hanover, North Carolina
Durham County, North Carolina
Guilford County, North Carolina
Please consider signing our petition and help us "Unchain Cabarrus County"!
Being dog owners/lovers, we believe that all animals should be kept free of tethers and chains. We began looking at the risks that tethered dogs face and found that tethered dogs are at a higher risk to bite and become aggressive, because tethered dogs spend most of their lives in isolation, leaving them emotionally and physically scarred. Most tethered dogs suffer from weight and health issues due to lack of food and water sources and lack of exercise. Also tethered females are at a much higher risk for unwanted pregnancies because they have no way of running from unwanted suitors.
Leaving a dog tethered, with very little human interaction is a form of animal abuse/neglect. We believe that changing the laws and banning tethering will reduce aggressive behaviors in dogs, reduce unwanted pregnancies in dogs, and will bring more responsibility to dog owners.
We have researched and found that several counties in North Carolina have banned tethering and we hope that Cabarrus County will soon follow suit!
Here is a list of counties that have tethering/chaining laws:
Ronoke Rapids, North Carolina
New Hanover, North Carolina
Durham County, North Carolina
Guilford County, North Carolina
Please consider signing our petition and help us "Unchain Cabarrus County"!
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