Demand the danish government to change the dog law

Dogs who defend their owners, dogs who gets scared and bite, dogs who are bullied by other dogs and bite....we could go on..nearly 2000 dogs have been put down, from puppy to adult, without any second chance to live...ths is not fair..lets change that law now

NEWS from this morning the 11.6.2014:

THe government have today agreed that the law will be changed, so that a dog will not be put down if in play or other circumstances it bites another dog, and you will be able to get an opinion from a vet or dog trainer about the dog. 

That is a big step forward, and than´k you for signing :)

Atualização #110 anos atrás
Today the government have agreed on a new law which will give dogs a second chance and a vets opinion.

So this petition will be closed now that hey have changes the law :-) Thank you for signing
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