Stop Thailand elephant crushing!

A long-time tradition in the Thai culture, the Phajaan or crush, is the training method elephants undergo to become a part of the tourism industry. As young elephants, they are torn from their mothers and entrapped in a small confine, then ritualistically abused with bullhooks and bamboo sticks spiked with nails, as well as starved, deprived of sleep and worse, to crush their spirits and become submissive to human

This is the general and accepted practice in Thailand, and the ones every elephant has undergone that is at a trekking camp or circus.

this needs to be stopped!

the word needs to be spread and we as tourists should not entertain such brutality, lets be the voice of the suffering elephants!

make this vile ritual illegal in Thailand once and for all!

See the brutality for yourself:

(warning the images and videos on this link are distressing) 

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