The people of the UK have spoken: No fracking in National Parks!

  • por: Georgina B
  • destinatário: Prime Minister David Cameron

Fracking should be completely banned from National Parks across the UK according to a strong majority of the UK public.

A poll conducted by Panelbase shows 60% of people think fracking should not be allowed in National Parks in the UK, compared to 22% that do.

The results come after the government opened up large areas of the country to shale gas licences, including 10 of the 13 national parks in spite of strong opposition expressed during the government’s own consultation.

The poll also showed that the majority of the UK rejected plans to change trespass laws to prevent people blocking fracking underneath their own land, with over 70% disagreeing with the law change and 17% in favour.

Opponents to fracking argue public opposition to the unconventional method of extraction extends to other areas across the UK and given the controversy around fracking, greater caution is needed.

David Cameron: the government must listen - the people of the UK have spoken. Please sign and share the petition to demand no fracking in National Parks!





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