Demand the End to the Cleveland VA's Medical Experimentation on Dogs, Now!!

  • por: Cathy P.
  • destinatário: Anyone who supports the end of animal medical experiments.

The following was posted on Cleveland's FOX 8 news on Thursday, 2/14/19:

see the link for the whole story:

CLEVELAND -- Experiments on dogs continue at the Cleveland VA Medical Center, with a shipment of dogs set to arrive Thursday for testing, according to a Cleveland VA spokesperson and also stated experiments on dogs will continue at the Cleveland VA Medical Center, with a shipment of dogs arriving next week and that the active canine research study will continue until it is complete, which includes two additional shipments.

Please watch the video in which the Cleveland APL urges the end to "painful" dog experiments at Cleveland VA Medical Center.

I am truly grateful for the service of all our veterans, but there must be a better way! 

Please show your support and sign the petition to end needless suffering endured by animals through medical experimentation!

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