Australia:Don't revoke charity status of animal welfare organisations and environmental groups

  • por: Georgina B
  • destinatário: Australian government

The Australian government is planning to revoke the charity status of animal welfare organisations and environmental groups.

The move would take away the democratic choice of Australians to give tax-deductible donations to their charities of choice.

Federal member, Andrew Nikolic, introduced a motion at the party's recent federal council meeting to strip environmental charities of the same rights permitted to other charities, including tax-deductible donations. The motion was unanimously endorsed.

Furthermore, the Federal Agriculture Minister Barnaby Joyce told the NSW Nationals annual conference recently that he will move to review the charity status of animal welfare organisations.

This follows complaints by farmers and abattoir owners after animal welfare advocates trespassed on to piggeries and abattoirs to obtain undercover footage that exposed horrific treatment, which led to operations being shut down.

Removing the charity status of animal welfare organisations and environmental groups is designed to protect the business interests of factory farmers and logging interests respectively and at the expense of animal welfare and the environment.

Please sign and share the petition to demand the Australian government does not revoke the charity status of animal welfare organisations and environmental groups.


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