Two More Horses Died Violently at the Belmont Park Race Track. When Will This End?

  • por: Care2 Team
  • destinatário: Horseracing Integrity and Safety Authority
Two more sweet, beloved horses, Mashnee Girl and Excursionniste, died after suffering violently painful injuries during -- you guessed it -- a horse racing event.

This means that four horses have died at Belmont Park alone since May 4. Keeping this track open is an insult to these horses' memories -- and puts many more of these beloved creatures at risk.

Sign now to demand the Horseracing Integrity and Safety Authority shut this track down for good!

Horses are intelligent, social creatures that deserve to live long and comfortable lives. None of them should ever die on a racetrack while being exploited for human entertainment.

To make matters worse, horse racing in the U.S. is especially dangerous. There are very few regulations managing racing in the U.S., and the country has a shockingly high rate of euthanization. A whopping 7,200+ horses died in just over a decade of races between 2009-2021. Why won't the few horse regulatory authorities act to prevent more deaths?

Clearly, Belmont Park is not safe for horses -- and must be shut down immediately, for good! Sign the petition to tell the Horseracing Integrity and Safety Authority to protect horses and shut down Belmont Park racing track!
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