Stop the Creation of the Huntington Park Fence

  • por: Rishi Malhotra
  • destinatário: San Francisco Board of Supervisors

The Board of Supervisors is planning on allowing the creation of a 6 foot high fence around Huntington Park in Nob Hill. It will be on top of the granite next to the sidewalk so it'll stand about 8.5 feet above the ground.

There are a few reasons for this. They want to close the park from midnight to 5 am and want this as a way to enforce this. They also believe that the fence has historical significance since the original person who gave the land to the city wrote that she wanted to "keep it from being used as a loafing place for undesirable citizens". Literally.

This petition is to get the Supervisors not to support the building of the fence and to have public meetings about this. The Nob Hill Association has had meetings with Supervisor David Chu about this, but they charge to be a member and do not publish their meetings on the calendar section of their site,

You can also call Supervisor David Chu's office at: 415-554-7450 

An article on this:


Facebook Page:

We the undersigned oppose the creation of a bigger fence around Huntington Park and want meetings open to the public regarding this.

Atualização #110 anos atrás

Supervisor Chiu reached out to me about having a meeting on Monday.

We are having a planning meeting on Sunday at 6 pm to discuss this. If you are interested in attending, email me at:
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