Demolish Wall Obstructing Elephant Corridor in India

A wall has been built in the No-Development Zone in Kaziranga National Park, northeast India, which is obstructing a vital elephant corridor and causing herds of elephants to become trapped. To date, the wall has caused the death of an estimated twelve elephants, many of which tried to break through it to follow their migratory routes and access the water holes beyond the wall. In one tragic case, a young male elephant died of a severe haemorrhage after repeatedly ramming its head against the wall. 

We are calling on NRL to immediately demolish the wall and allow elephants to once again connect to their surrounding habitat.

Please demolish the wall built in a No-Development Zone in Kaziranga National Park, northeast India, immediately. It is currently obstructing a crucial elephant corridor and has already taken the lives of twelve elephants.

Failure to comply will go against the No-Development Zone notification, issued by the ‘MoEF’ in 1996, and be detrimental to the welfare of India's natural heritage animal. 

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