Help us to banning this video on youtube

  • por: Mahesh Walathara
  • destinatário: Admins, Defenders of wild life, WWF

What a disgusting video this is of an insane animal cruelty. A pig fed to an aligator by tourists in New orleans ,U.S . It is very disturbing footage to see of the moment a wild pig is being used as a bait to be eaten by the alligator. As the helpless animal frantically screams and tries to escape, the other pigs are seen rushing to its aid.Unfortunately, the victim does not get far and gets dragged underwater by the predator. Most disgusting thing is that the climax went high as tourists expected, as one of the tourists are shouting "we need to feed a one of the pigs" shows insane animal cruelty they expected.

This kind of babaric or cruel actions must be wiped out from the wold community behalf of .
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