BUDWEISER Beer - how could you sponsor the horrific animal abuse at Snapperfest?

  • por: Mary Smolders
  • destinatário: BUDWEISER - sponsor of "Snapperfest" in Aurora, Indiana, and Campshore Campgrounds

In a YouTube video, men run to a tank of water, grab a turtle, crush it under their hand/weight, pull its head out, which they THEN proceed to decapitate!! Then they hold the turtle up in great pride while people cheer madly. All sponsored by BUDWEISER beer company at Campshore Campground on State Rd. 56 in Indiana. Disgusting, deplorable, senseless, and cruel!! http://www.youtube.com/attribution_link?a=gGBp4xJEgIA&u=%2Fwatch%3Fv%3D708PuKQg0wM%26feature%3Dshare Seriously...Budweiser should make a huge donation to Oceana or Sea Turtles Forever in Oceanside, Oregon, or Human Society International and desist from encouraging abuse of any form of life, marine or not.. AND you should apologize for even considering making a spectacle of barbaric acts against defenceless animals for "entertainment"! Would you encourage dragging people behind vehicles for entertainment? Then why would you allow this with any animal??

Atualização #210 anos atrás
Thank you all! The Snapperfest petition has over 500 signatures. Let's get to 2,000..please tell your friends, and spread the word. Thanks again
Atualização #110 anos atrás
Thank you for supporting an end to this cruelty & horrific "entertainment" This petition now has over 280 signatures!! Let's hope Budweiser does something to make this stupidity end, and that they also put their money towards something worthwhile for animals, to make up for this atrocity!
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