Gigi D'Agostino

I still believe in your eyes; 
I just don't care what 
You've done in your life. 
Baby i'll always be here by your side; 
Don't leave me waiting too long, 
Please come by! 
I, i, i, i still believe in your eyes; 
There is no choice, 
I belong to your life. 
Because i, i need you love you some day; 
You'll be my baby 
And will fly your way 
And i'll fly with you, 
I'll fly with you, 
I'll fly with you!!! 
You are, are, are, are, are, are!!! 
You are, are, are, are, are, are!!! 
You are, are, are, are, are, are!!! 
Every day and every night, 
I always dream that 
You are by my side. 
Oh, baby, every day and every night, 
Will i celebrate 
It's born to be your life! 
And i'll fly with you, 
I'll fly with you, 
I'll fly with you!!! 
You are, are, are, are, are, are!!! 
You are, are, are, are, are, are!!! 
Dream of me! 
I still believe in your eyes; 
I just don't care what 
You've done in your life. 
Baby i'll always be here by your side; 
Don't leave me waiting too long, 
Please come by! 
I, i, i, i still believe in your eyes; 
There is no choice, 
I belong to your life. 
Because i, i need you love you some day; 
You'll be my baby 
And will fly your way 
And i'll fly with you, 
I'll fly with you, 
I'll fly with you!!! 
Every day and every night, 
I always dream that 
You are by my side. 
Oh, baby, every day and every night, 
Will i celebrate 
It's born to be your life! 
And i'll fly with you, 
I'll fly with you, 
I'll fly with you!!! 
You are, are, are, are, are, are!!! 
You are, are, are, are, are, are!!!

Atualização #28 anos atrás
La petizione non continuerà. Ci penserà l'UNC. Io titolare mi tiro fuori grazie alla spiegazione precisa del supporto Amazon. Ringrazio chi abbia mosso delle critiche, tra cui uno Youtuber (Breaking Italy), che ci ha insultati dicendo che siano meglio i cani. Invito tutti ad eliminare la recensione. Inoltre chi li ha ricevuti, è perchè Amazon non è riuscito a bloccare le spedizioni. Pensateci. Un colosso con i miliardi, si mette a fare una pubblicità così ai danni dei clienti da cui guadagnano?
Atualização #18 anos atrás
Più di 200 firme su 1000 in meno di 24 ore.. Prima raggiungiamo la quota e prima possiamo avere una nuova possibilità di raggiungere chi veramente dovrebbe essere spinto a cedere.
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