Demand higher penalties for cruel dog fighting . Even prison sentences.

To stop the cruelty of dog fighting. They are not bred to fight. People are making money from this cruel activity. These poor animals cannot speak for themselves. Let us be their voices. Please share if you are against dig fighting. Please help by signing so we can save them. 

Atualização #310 anos atrás
Thank you to all who have signed. Please continue to share,I cannot do this alone.
Please keep on sharing,so we can help these poor fur children. They did not choose this life, cruel humans did. Let us stand together and speak on their behalf. They have the right to life.
I desperately need more signatures. Please continue to share.
Atualização #211 anos atrás
To all who have signed. Thank you . Your kindness is appreciated.
Atualização #111 anos atrás
Thank you for taking the time to sign this petition.
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