Review or Change Dog Owner Law to Protect People

  • por: Marie Jones
  • destinatário: Bristol City Council, People in Bristol

Changing dog owner law to protect both the owner and the dog. By protecting the dog, secure their safety and by supervising them it would be better for everyone. What we need is a more rigid law that will make dog owners accountable for their dogs, especially those who fail to perform their responsibilities, whether in public or on private property.

I, the undersigned, would like to request the Bristol City Council to review or change, if necessary, the existing dog owner law due to the increasing number of dog attacks.

A dog can be the owner’s best friend, but not of everyone. Although most dogs are not inherently dangerous, any even-tempered animal may still be prone to attacks and turn into a violent creature if it feels threat in its territory. In connection with this, there has been a 25% rise in the number of dog attacks since 2014 in Bristol area. This is mainly because of the fact that dogs are left unsupervised by the owners.

What we need is a more rigid law that will make dog owners accountable for their dogs, especially those who fail to perform their responsibilities, whether in public or on private property. As dog attacks can be scary and frightening, it will also help if dog breeds are regulated as some can be more violent than the others.


Thank you for considering my petition.


the underdesigned,

Marie Jones - Assistant Writer of

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