Demand Federal RE-SCHEDULING and LEGALIZATION of Marijuana

    According to unofficial records 2/3 of the United States supports federal legalization of Marijuana. Marijuana was originally and wrongfully classified a Schedule 1 substance. Schedule 1 substances are said to be substances without any health value and infact are detrimental to your health. Marijuana does not match the description even remotely and has helped many in legal medical states to overcome various sickenesses and pain without the common side effects of the standard prescription medications. The chirade has gone on long enough. If you ever visit your local circuit courts and traffic courts it’s quite disgusting the amount of time and energy the state must give to marijuana on a daily basis. The effort reduces police force that must attend court cases and distracts law enforcement from violent and detrimental crimes. Regulation of Marijuana if done properly would be less harmful than measures that have gone into effect to remove prohibition of alcohol (a much more dangerous ‘drug’ that is sold recreationally without medical benefit) Legalize marijuana and celebrate with red white and blue marijuana symbolism to represent a well overdue victory. I’m am not a patriot, I do not support all decisions of the government. I’m neutral and respect the privilege given to live on this land. May we have peace amongst the trees. - ‘Satoshi Nakimoto’
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