6 year old Sheltie killed by man while being walked by owner

  • por: Louise Peacock
  • destinatário: Stephen Harper, Prime Minister of Canada

Violent crimes against animals has been shown to precede violent crimes against children and women.

Our laws need to take cruetly to animals seriously and hand out meaningful sentences to those who carry out barbaric violence against defenceless animals, as in the case of this man who stabbed a stick with a shapened end into the mouth of the defenceless and gentle Sheltie, in front of his owner.

It is time for Canada to stop skirting around this issue and become a leader by enacting laws against animal cruelty with real impact. Let's not allow the death of this gentle dog to be in vain.


Dear Mr. Harper

Please support tougher and more meaningful legislation against cruelty to animals. 

Our current legislation is woefully inadequate since it does not treat cruelty to animals as a serious crime.

It has been proven that people who mistreat animals often make humans their next target, therefore it is imperative to hand out meaningful sentences to deter those that cause pain and suffering to animals.

Your truly

The breaking story of the man who brutally attacked an killed a gentle family pet, while it was being taken for a walk (on a leash) by it's owner, underlines the need for more stringent laws on animal cruelty.

This man might just have easily have attacked a small child or a helpless person in a wheelchair or on crutches.

We are currently merely paying lip-service to this issue of animal cruetly, and it's high time that Canada show itself to be a leader, by showing the rest of the world that we recognize that cruelty to animals can lead to cruelty to people.

We respectfully request that you enact legislation that brings significant punishment to those who carry out violence on animals.

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