Wolves Are Wrongly Blamed for Europe's Farming Crisis, and They're Being Killed Because of It

  • por: Care2 Team
  • destinatário: The European Commission

Last year in Italy, an entire pack of wolves was tragically poisoned in a brutal act that has become all too common across Europe to protect livestock. To make matters worse, Europe's wolves have become less protected from these dangers. The European Union's (EU) decision to relax protections for wolves from "strictly protected" to "protected" will make these poisonings worse. 

Sign the petition to demand the EU reinstate stronger protections for wolves and to call for more practical, science-based support for farmers.

New research shows that wolves are being used as a scapegoat for much deeper systemic issues affecting rural communities. Economic difficulties, poor government policies, and the challenges of rural depopulation are often the true causes behind the struggles of farmers – not the presence of wolves. 

With the ongoing loss of livestock in other parts of Europe, farmers are struggling to coexist with wolves. However, the answer is not in culling these animals, but in offering real support to farmers, such as fair compensation, improved livestock protection systems like wolf-proof fences, and practical measures to ensure coexistence.

The EU's decision to allow culling under the new regulations only serves to deepen the divide and intensify conflicts. Instead, the EU should focus on providing support to farmers to live alongside wolves, ensuring that both animal welfare and farming livelihoods are protected.

Sign the petition now to ensure that both wolves and farmers can thrive together in a balanced and sustainable environment!

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