Urge Improved Care Of Standards For Organic Animals

  • por: Sue Lee
  • destinatário: Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack

When something is labeled as Organic, we may often wonder what the real standards of such a label are.  Such is the case regarding animal welfare and the ASPCA is asking for our help in assuring that the USDA be more transparent and abiding when it comes to the Organic label.

For the past 15 years, the actual animal welfare standards have not been clear and concise with the USDA’s National Organic Program. Despite organic regulations, many organic animal products from factory farms meet no differences between organic treatment of animals or the conventional methods.  The USDA is now reviewing all the specifics regarding how organic farm animals should be raised to ensure they meet the specific regulations as being Organic.  It is important that the USDA Organic label meet the specified regulations for both the animals and the consumers.  You can help in our efforts by signing and sharing this petition.

Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack – We urge you to please ensure that the USDA Organic label meets the regulations of the National Organic Program.  The Organic farm animals must be raised under specific standards and regulation to meet the obligations of both the animals and the consumers.  Please ensure that you improve and strengthen the care standards for organic animals.

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