Save Feral Cat Colony in Sandfly!

About twenty harmless feral cats have been living off Central Avenue in Sandfly, Georgia. Nancy Rowland, who has been caring for the cats for eight years, says they have all been spayed or neutered and vaccinated. Even so, Chatham County Court has ordered the colony to be removed following a recent complaint.

Rowland offered to plead guilty to the nuisance charge and move them to a prepared private location, after which she would try to adopt the cats out to good homes. The court is refusing her offer and has ordered the cats to be removed by Chatham County Animal Control. Rowland will only be allowed to adopt eight of the cats.

Animal Control is already overcrowded and ill equipped to handle feral cats. Rowland has demonstrated that she has the resources and expertise required to care for all of the cats until she can adopt them to good homes. Please sign the petition to urge Chatham County to spare Sandfly's feral cat colony.

Dear Chatham County Court,

We are writing to express our concern with your decision to seize a colony of feral cats living off Central Avenue in Sandfly, Georgia, following a recent complaint.

Nancy Rowland, who has been caring for the cats for eight years, says the cats have all been sprayed or neutered and vaccinated. The cats have not demonstrated any harm to community members. Rowland offered to plead guilty to the nuisance charge and move them to a prepared private location, after which she would try to adopt the cats out to good homes. Unfortunately, we understand that the court is refusing her offer and has ordered the cats to be removed by Chatham County Animal Control. Rowland will only be allowed to adopt eight of the cats.

Animal Control is already overcrowded and ill equipped to handle feral cats. While we understand the problem of cat "hoarding" and other forms of animal abuse associated with keeping many animals, we do not believe Rowland would present a danger to these cats. She has clearly demonstrated that she has the resources and expertise required to care for all of the cats until she can adopt them to good homes. We urge you to spare the cat colony and cooperate with Rowland so that all of the cats can live out their lives peacefully. Thank you for taking the time to read and consider our petition.

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