Stop Killing Coyotes in Southern California

City council officials in the town of Laguna Woods, Southern California, recently voted in favor of killing coyotes- while other cities around the country, and Northern California have adopted a more humane approach to coyote populations by promoting a healthy coexistence of humans and coyotes.

Coyotes naturally shy away from humans and pose no threat to pets kept on leashes. A more common sense approach would be to enforce existing leash laws rather than killing coyotes. It is not practical to kill all wildlife because people have pets. Being a responsible pet owner would reduce conflicts with coyotes.

We ask Southern California to adopt more humane tactics and learn to coexist with coyotes. Mass killing of coyotes has been proven ineffective, as it yields larger litters.

Governor of California

Jerry Brown

c/o State Capitol, Suite 1173
Sacramento, CA 95814

Phone: (916) 445-2841
Fax: (916) 558-3160


City council officials in the town of Laguna Woods, Southern California, recently voted in favor of killing coyotes- while other cities around the country, and Northern California have adopted a more humane approach to coyote populations by promoting a healthy coexistence of humans and coyotes.

Coyotes naturally shy away from humans and pose no threat to pets kept on leashes. A more common sense approach would be to enforce existing leash laws rather than killing coyotes. It is not practical to kill all wildlife because people have pets. Being a responsible pet owner would reduce conflicts with coyotes.

We ask Southern California to adopt more humane tactics and learn to coexist with coyotes. Mass killing of coyotes has been proven ineffective, as it yields larger litters.


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