Netflix: Please Produce A Documentary on the Cat and Dog Meat Trades in Asia!!

Hello 👋,
An estimated 30 million dogs and 10 million cats are slaughtered each year in Asia. The dogs are beaten to death, blow-torched, hanged, electrocuted and strangled to death. The dogs are transported packed into cruel crates, squashed in. The dogs are farmed, often in filthy conditions and forced to eat deceased, sick animals, including other dogs, and then transported cruelly to meet their violent and brutal end; slaughtered to fill the bellies of some Chinese, Vietnamese, South Korean and North Korean people who pay and support this extremely industry. Cats are also mistreated and brutally done to death for their meat.
The Big Cat Public Safety Act has been passed thanks, in large part, to the Netflix docuseries "Tiger King". "Blue Planet" brought awareness to the issue of plastics in the ocean. "Blackfish" brought awareness to SeaWorld's cruelty to orcas. A documentary about the hideous abuse, torture and slaughter of dogs and cats in Asia could bring even more attention and awareness to this issue and result in the dog and cat meat trades being banned in China and elsewhere, if handled correctly.
Please note that I would not want the documentary to demonise all Asians as animal abusers or dog-eaters. Many Asian people are against dog and cat meat and love animals. There are also Chinese and other Asian animal activists who work very hard to rescue dogs and cats and campaign against cruelty...
Thank you 😊

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