Five years ago, horrifying footage of pigs confined to filthy sow stalls shocked the nation, and the New Zealand government undertook to phase out this practice.
It is now 2014, and recent new footage show pigs living in appalling conditions, confined to crates which are swarming with rats, and covered with faeces. Dead pigs are left lying amongst the living, and then one of the live creatures is seen being hit with a hammer. Others are stomped on, kicked and crushed.
We demand that Nathan Guy call on the Government to ban sow stalls and farrowing crates in line with the European Union (where crates have been banned since January 2013) and with Tasmania's recents initiatives.
Sow stalls are 60cm wide by 2 metres long, allowing the animal to stand or lie down only, inevitably leading to joint disorders, as well as digestive, heart , lung and urinary diseases. The sows have to give birth in farrowing crates and the piglets are removed to fattening pens for the duration of their short miserable lives.
The Ministry for Primary Industries, Nathan Guy, has failed these, and other farm animals. There is no independent body responsible for animal welfare, and less than 1% of the ministry budget is devoted to animal welfare. New Zealand earns more than 20 billion dollars in animal exports each year.
Consumers of pork would surely baulk at the horrifying conditions these animals endure. Please help save these intelligent sentient creatures from a life of horror.
Dear Mr Guy
On behalf of myself and of the 10,500 worldwide signatories ( so far), I urge you to give some consideration to the plight of the farm animals under your care.
I realise that we are entering election time, and that you will be much occupied , but please give some time to reviewing the welfare of these noble work animals and putting some legislation in place to improve their lot.
What would you like your legacy as Minister for Primaries Industries to be?
The animals need you to use all the resources at your disposal to ensure that they have a dignified and comfortable life for the limited time that they have to be alive.
Please consider especially the banishment of farrowing crates for pigs. They have suffered enough. As Sir Francis Bond Head said;
"There exists perhaps in all creation no animal which has less justice and more injustice shown to him than the pig"
You can change this.
Thankyou for taking time to read this
Dr Maria Hurley
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