Lower the tuition cost for colleges

I think education is something that should be a right now a privilege. Well it is a privilege and it's starting to be family generations who go to college. If you parents went to college, they get a good job, they get a lot of money, and they can afford to send you to college. This is the formula for you to be able to go to college.

Or you get a scholarship. We would all love our children to get a scholarship but that isn't something that comes hand in hand.

America is the land of dreams and opportunity. Anyone who is passionate enough to want a college education should be afforded the opportunity to at least try. It would be just great if we could make a college education free just like we do a high school education, but each of us in our right mind knows this is a pipe dream. So the $35K in student debt will turn into $45K for the next generation and so on.

Being well educated is priceless.

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