We Ask Our Congressmen to Support H.R 3359 the Traveling Exotic Animal Protection Act

  • por: Julie Jo
  • destinatário: This petition will be sent to All US Senators

Every major circus that uses animals has been cited for violating the minimal standards of care set forth in the United States Animal Welfare Act (AWA).
Animals in circuses spend about 11 months of the year traveling.
During travel, animals may be caged or chained for long distances and hours, forced to stand in their own waste, in extreme temperatures.
Standard circus industry training tools used on animals include bullhooks, whips, clubs, and electric prods.
Animals born in circus “conservation” breeding programs have never been released into the wild.
From 1994 to 2005, at least 31 elephants have died premature deaths in the circus. Other circus animals who have died in an untimely manner include horses and lions.
Captive elephant and captive feline attacks on humans in the U.S. have resulted in hundreds of injuries, many resulting in death.
In the wild, elephants live in large, sociable herds and walk up to 25 miles every day. Most other wild animals found in circus settings, including lions and tigers, are also constantly on the move in their native habitats. In the circus, animals spend most of their time in cages or chains.
Officials from the U.S. Department of Agriculture (which enforces the AWA) have repeatedly ignored obvious physical trauma to animals, eyewitness accounts of mistreatment, and sworn testimony from former circus employees who report abuse of elephants.
Circuses that feature only human performers are gaining in popularity and provide dazzling, humane, and truly family-friendly entertainment.

Dear Sir/Madam 

I am writing as a constituent to ask you to please support and co-sponsor H.R. 3359, the Traveling Exotic Animal Protection Act, which aims to protect the welfare of wild animals forced to perform in traveling circuses.

The current research, undercover video and photographic evidence show clearly that traveling circuses cannot provide the proper living conditions for these exotic animals. Wild, stressed animals in close quarters with the public has proven to be a public safety hazard, and no amount of costly government oversight can prevent accidents and physical abuse, or protect wild animals traveling for months on end in small, temporary accommodations. 

Dozens of municipalities in the U.S. and countries around the world have taken similar steps to protect wild animals in circuses. Please act now to support and co-sponsor this practical and reasonable protection for animals. The enormous popularity of contemporary circuses like Cirque du Soleil proves that the show will go on without abused animals.

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