Demand Accountability and Fairness

Introduction: We are calling for justice for Shekita Maxwell, who has been wrongfully mishandled, received voice suppression, and severely mistreated during her candidacy (Running for Mayor 2024). This petition seeks to address the false accusations, wrongful eviction, framing that have occurred,voice & voter suppression and to hold accountable those responsible for the abuse of power and authority. The behavior of emotional, verbal, physical, psychological, and political intimidation.

Details: Ms. Maxwell has been a victim of a grave injustice involving wrongful conviction and abuse of authority. Throughout her candidacy.
False Accusations, Wrongful detain, Mistreated during Candidacy, Falsely Evicted, Framing and Abuse by Leaders
This petition seeks to address the severe injustices faced by Macon (Bibb County) and ensure that justice is taken to rectify the situation. Voter Suppression, and Abuse of Authority. 
Fear of Retaliation: Individuals may be afraid to voice their opinions or report injustices due to fear of punishment, harassment, threatned, harmed or loss of employment. This fear can be a result of past experiences, a hostile environment, or threats from those in positions of power.

Call to Action: We urge the people to request specific action, such as reviewing her case, enforcing policy and laws, (for election officials) etc. An investigation take places to protect the citizens of Bibb County. This action is necessary to correct the wrongs committed and ensure fairness and justice for all.

Support: Add your name to this petition and help us make a difference. Together, we can fight for justice and bring about meaningful change.

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