The Wolf needs extra protection in Finland because it is very Endangered, HELP NOW!


 The wolf needs extra protection in Finland because the reindeer "hosts"are killing every wolf they see. Yes, wolf kill reindeers but not so much.

The gray wolf once inhabited most, if not all, of the Northern Hemisphere. Excluding modern man, the wolf was the most widely distributed land mammal that ever lived. Wolves live in nearly all habitats except for tropical rain forests and deserts. The Gray Wolf (also spelled Grey Wolf - also known as Timber Wolf or Wolf) is a mammal in the order Carnivora. There were once at least thirty different subspecies of wolf. Most have become extinct. About five subspecies survive today. Wolves are able to survive anywhere there is adequate food and human tolerance.

 The wolf population in Finland is still very small and wolf is classified as a very endangered species. This is why there is a need to increase the number of wolves under the control of administrative authorities.


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