Demand Walnut Grove Stop Hiding Away Stray Dogs

  • por: Lynn O.
  • destinatário: Mayor and City Council

Walnut Grove, Missouri has an illegal, unlicensed "pound" consisting of one dog kennel which it now hides behind its gated and locked water treatment plant. Once a dog is picked up, the public does not know because no posters are put up, no sign is put on the gate, dogs are not listed on Facebook, no effort is made to find the owner, no effort is made to get the animal adopted or to a licensed rescue. City government claims the unclaimed dogs are sent to a nearby Animal Control in Springfield, Missouri. Springfield Animal Control claims to have never received a single dog from Walnut Grove! Public accountability is needed here. The city needs to give up its illegal practice of housing dogs without a license from the Missouri Department of Agriculture, hiding them away and then not accurately documenting what happens to them. They need to transfer these dogs to a licensed shelter where they know how to find owners and work with rescues to rehome the dogs. This city which is not licensed to care for stray animals, does not know how to care for stray animals, seldom cleans feces out of the cages, does not clean dog houses and has not cleaned moldy straw out of the dog house for about 3 years, has no business attempting to hold stray dogs.

Atualização #110 anos atrás
Walnut Grove officials agreed to shut down the city pound. Stray dogs will now be sent to a local, caring vet who will attempt to find homes for them. Your support made this possible. Thank you!
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