Stop Cleveland Metroparks From Promoting Fishing

Please help stop Cleveland Metroparks from suffocating fishes and teaching children to become objectifying killers of other beings. The park system is advertising 23 fishing sites. Killing sentient beings is correlated to violence to human beings. Fish flesh causes many diseases. Fishing is in the top 10 of the world's most dangerous occupations. The park system also operates a zoo which has in the past sent 'excess' animals to canned hunt sites in Texas.

Fish can't scream. Hooks are caught in their eyes, their throats, their gills. Hooked fishing lines catch in the fingers and eyes of children as well as in the throats of geese,and gulls, Fish flesh is radioactive, neurotoxic and carcinogenic.
The waters of the world are filling with radiation from Fukushima and other nuclear disaster sites. Countries with the highest fish consumption have the most stomach cancer. Raw sushi has liver flukes. The mercury and other poisons in the oceans accumulate in the flesh of fish. They are at the top of the ocean food chain.

Because of human competition for fish, seals are clubbed in Canada and Scotland, dolphins are knifed to death in Taiji Cove in Japan.

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